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British Pub Confederation

Standing Up for Pubs and Publicans

British Pub Confederation Members IconBritish Pub Confederation Members

The British Pub Confederation, as a Confederation of organisations, doesn’t have individual members but acts as a collective voice for publicans and pub campaigners.

If you are a licensee who is seeking a licensee services or individual representation, we recommend you contact one of our confederation  member organisations who have licensee members.

If you are a pro-pub organisation and would like to become a member of the British Pub Confederation and work with us to stand up for pubs and publicans, please get in touch.

please get in touch

Directory of British Pub Confederation Members

The Campaign for Pubs is the grassroots UK membership organisation campaigning to support, promote and protect our pubs. The Campaign for Pubs brings together all those who value and support pubs – publicans, pub campaigners and pub lovers - up and down the country. We are campaigning for pubs and publicans - supporting, promoting and protecting pubs. The Campaign for Pubs is a not-for-profit organisation funded by members’ subscriptions. Membership is open to everyone who cares about our pubs and is £25 per year (less than £2.09 a month!). A small price to pay to help support and protect our pubs.
The Scottish Licensed Trade Association is the leading licensed trade body in Scotland. Founded in 1880, The Scottish Licensed Trade Association is the only organisation which represents all sectors of the licensed trade and is seen by many as the ‘voice’ of the pub trade in Scotland. The Association is consulted by Governments, both at Westminster and Holyrood; National Boards; and the Media when the interests of the trade are under consideration. Members are also represented at local government level through our network of Local and Regional Trade Associations. The Scottish Licensed Trade Association continues to work hard to represent our members’ views on an extensive range of issues. Membership is open to all Scottish licensed trade outlets.
The Forum of Private Business was founded in 1977 as a not for profit membership organisation which supports small, private and family firms who need to comply, but don’t have their own internal HR and Legal teams. All of our profits go back into providing better services and support for our members. The Forum of Private Business are founder members of the British Pub Confederation and represent publican members, pub tenants/lessees and freeholders. The Forum of Private Business think that pubs as well as being valuable small businesses in their own right, are also part of our heritage and form a part of our communities. We think they should be appreciated as the valuable resource and our “protect your pub campaign” reflects this.
The Pubs Advisory Service (PAS) is an advisory service for pub tenants and lessees, with PAS specific and extensive expertise on the Pubs Code leveraging the regulations for tenant and lessee benefit. The Pubs Advisory Service was set up after the Government responded to the Business Innovation and Skills Committee Pub Company report in 2011. The Committee had recommended the establishment of such body. PAS was even consulted with by Government and has represented many tied tenants and lessees exercising their rights.
Unite is the second largest trade union in the UK with just over 1.2 million members across many sectors. Unite is dedicated to serving the best interests of its members, protecting workers rights and equality and diversity in the workplace. Licensees Unite represents its licensee members as part of Unite's food, drink and agricultural sector.
GMB is the trade union for everyone, with over 620,000 working people in all jobs and all walks of life. This includes publicans and the GMB has taken on corporate interests on behalf of its licensee members. The GMB exists to get a better deal for our members and to support you when you need help.
The Fair Pint Campaign has been campaigning for reform of the Beer Tie since 2007 and was the first campaign to make a breakthrough by getting the beer tie and behaviour of the large pubcos on the political agenda. The campaign was set up and run by tenants and former tenants. Fair Pint is a founding member of the British Pub Confederation, having been a key members of the Fair Deal For Your Local campaign and before that a founding member of the Independent Pub Confederation.
Licensees Supporting Licensees is a network of licensees, operating as a supportive forum. LSL is one of the partner groups in Fair Deal for Your Local. LSL exists solely for the purpose of supporting fellow licensees through some of the toughest times our industry has experienced. The group is here to discuss the topics of the day concerning their pubs.
Justice for Licensees is a campaign group which has the interests of the pub at heart, we are both passionate and compassionate about that unique and wonderful institution that is the Great British Pub! Please join and support us in our quest to ensure that the Great British Pub remains where it belongs at the heart of each and every community, whilst we are called JFL membership is open and free to all who love the pub and all that it does. Please feel free to use and enjoy the facilities offered.
The Guild of Master Victuallers (GMV) assists and protects the business interests of Personal Licence Holders. Members of a local Licensed Victuallers Association (LVA) affiliate to the GMV where they exist, if there is no LVA in an area then you can join as a Direct Member. Membership of the GMV is open to all Personal Licence Holders. The GMV offers a service that will protect, advise and assist the membership in all matters to do with the operation of licensed premises from local issues right through to Government level. The membership area covered by the GMV extends from the South Coast to the Midlands to include London, the Home Counties and the West Country.
Protect Pubs is a community led campaigning organisation and advice forum for all those who love pubs and want to see them thrive at the heart of British culture. It was founded in 2014 to lobby government for increased planning protection for pubs and succeeded in changing English planning law three times, culminating in the removal of permitted development rights for all pubs in May 2017. The beating heart of Protect Pubs is its free to join Facebook page, with over 2500 members.
The Society for the Preservation of Beers from the Wood, founded in 1963, is the oldest consumer-based group interested in stimulating the brewing of, increasing the awareness of, and encouraging the drinking of traditional cask ale. The Society also supports and encourages the use of wooden casks for beer dispense. SPBW recognises naturally-conditioned beer, drawn by gravity, electric pump and traditional handpump, but rejects the use of gas pressure dispense. SPBW operates through autonomous branches, who organise social events especially visits to breweries. The SPBW’s National Executive Committee maintains contact with breweries and other relevant bodies on issues of concern. It produces a quarterly magazine Pint in Hand.
The Punch Tenant Network represents tenants of Punch Pubs/Punch Taverns and was formed and is run by Punch and ex-Punch tenants. The Punch Tenant Network has proved a powerful voice for Punch tenants in representing the views of tenants to senior management of Punch and also to politicians.

British Pub Confederation Officers

Chair – Greg Mulholland
Vice-Chair – Ian Cass (Forum of Private Business)
Vice Chair – Inez Ward (Justice for Licensees)
Secretary – Simon Clarke (Fair Pint campaign)
Treasurer – Alan Yorke (Licensees Supporting Licensees)